We pay generously for quality traffic and
joiners! Our rates are up to
- 100% net revenue (i.e. 82.5%
Gross after we pay VAT)
- £1 a free profile
So, if a member pays us £30 for a 3 month membership you could be
getting £24.75!
We have a third party
affiliate programs (www.Webgains.com
Programme ID = 173) and an 'in house' partner program.
Please do get in touch so we can have a chat about
working together!
Our select in house 'partner' scheme...
This has been running for many years and is for special
partners. It's easy to get started. We give you a unique
tracking code then you simply include it on a hyperlink to www.loveandfriends.com from your website or on
any emails you send out (if you have a mailing list). We also have banners
and graphics that you can copy and paste to your website.
All visitors to loveandfriends who come from you
then get tracked to your account. You can login at any time and
request a payment. We then mail a cheque to you or transfer the
money to your bank account.. Your own dating site ...
Got a brand?
...one of our
whitelabel dating sites is a great extension to
your existing brand.
Got a
...if you have
a popular website - a whitelabel dating solution enables you to monetise
traffic effectively.
Got an
...maybe you're an individual
who has an idea for a new dating site. We'd love to work together
with you to bring this to life on our netwiork.
As a Whitelabel dating partner you get a very generous
revenue share.
This ranges from
60% Initial Value up to 65% Lifetime Value
! The rate is based on how
much business you can deliver us.
To find out
more - just drop me
an email
...I look forward to hearing from you!

Your company’s branding and promotion on the dating site replaces
that of LoveandFriends
Benefit = you get
word of mouth referrals and build your own dating /
community brand.
Click one of the images below to see
